Mortgage Design

Mortgage Design logo with the company moto

Important Information

Important Information about MortgageDesign

Mortgage Design Limited is a Licensed Financial Advice Provider issued by the Financial Markets Authority (FMA) to provide financial advice services. Mortgage Design Limited (FSP752291) holds a Financial Advice Provider (FAP) licence issued by the FMA.

Our office contact details

Address: 44B Rame Road, Greenhithe
Phone: 09 242 1975 

Nature & Scope of financial advice services

Our Services

Products we can provide financial advice about:

Product Providers, we might recommend

Our Trusted Referral Partners

I may receive a referral fee or commission payment if I refer you to our referral partners listed above. I will give you more information about how that referral fee or commission is calculated, before proceeding.

Our fees

The actual fee charged to you will depend on the nature and scope of the advice or service we provide. We will discuss and agree on the actual fees with you before we proceed and explain how they are payable.

The following section outlines the types of fees that may apply:

  • The fees charged for our advice and services may be based on a combination of:
    • A set dollar amount; OR
    • a percentage – based fee.
  • Our agreed advice and service fees may include charges for:
    • Initial advice ongoing; OR
    • annual advice and services.

Other Costs

Where other costs are incurred in the process of providing our advice and services to you, you will be liable for these costs.

However, we will agree on all additional costs with you prior to incurring them; OR We don’t charge our clients fees, expenses or anything else directly for the financial advice we provide.


On settlement of a loan, I usually receive commission from the applicable lender. 

The commission is generally of an upfront nature but may also include a trail commission.

I may also receive a fixed rate roll over fee from the applicable lender if I assist in refixing your loan.

I may also receive a referral fee or commission payment if I refer you to our referral partners listed above. I will give you more information about how that referral fee or commission is calculated, before proceeding.

Upfront commission – a percentage of the value of your loan balance. This ranges between 0.55% and 0.85% commission; and
Trail commission – a percentage of the value of your outstanding loan amount, usually calculated at the end of each month in which you hold the loan. This ranges between 0.15% and 0.20% commission; and 

Refix fee – Some providers pay a fixed rate of $150 if I assist you in re-fixing your loan/loans.

When I have to repay commission to the lender – In the event that, in the 28 month period following drawdown of your loan, your loan is fully or partially repaid or the terms materially changed, and a lender requires that I repay the applicable commission to them, we may charge you a one-off fee. Any such fee would be no more than $3,500 (plus GST, if any) and would be calculated based on a rate of $300 (plus GST, if any) per hour of my time spent providing financial advice to you in connection with the applicable loan. The fee I charge you will not exceed the amount of commission I have to repay to the lender.

Should you choose to use our services and then decide to go directly to any lender or use another adviser, then you shall remain liable for the time involved at the hourly rate. Any collection costs, interest or late payment fees and charges applicable, will be payable by you.

*Financial Advisers – All our Financial Advisers are paid a flat rate commission or a base salary (or both) to ensure they seek the best product and lender for the client.

Conflicts of Interest or other incentives

We are here for our clients and to advise you as best we can. Your interests are our priority although we do have business relationships with product providers also. 

From time to time our product providers assist us with funding so we can bring our advisers together for conferences and professional development training.

How we manage any conflicts of interest

To ensure our advisers prioritise our clients’ interests:

Our duties and obligations to you

We are bound by the duties of the Financial Markets Conduct Act (431I, 431K, 431L and 431M) to:

Our internal complaints process

If you have a problem, concern or complaint about any part of our advice or service, please tell us so that we can try to fix the problem.

Our internal complaints manager is Clayton D’Lima who can be reached via email at or 021 175 9559. Clayton will reply to you within 24 – 48 hours.

Our internal complaints handling process is as follows:

Our external complaints process

If we cannot agree on how to fix the issue, or if you decide not to use the internal complaints scheme, you can contact our external disputes resolution scheme – Financial Services Complaints Limited (FSCL). This service will cost you nothing and will help us resolve any complaints.

You can contact FSCL at:

Address: PO Box 5967, Wellington 6140
Phone: 0800 347 257 